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5 things that do not belong in a modern house

If you are in the middle of renovation or construction, it is important to know which 5 things in no way belong in a modern house. Rather choose more contemporary and more long-lasting alternatives.

What does not belong in a modern house? | PIRNAR

Some of the design elements in a house are timeless and can be used again and again. Others are, unfortunately, out of style. We have chosen 5 things you should no longer use in a modern house since there are far better, more modern versions that are much more pleasing to the eye.

Out-of-date doors

Unless we are talking about massive antique doors with beautiful carvings that are actually worth restoring and renovating, it might be time to get rid of the old entry doors. Doors with poor insulation certainly have no place in a modern house that meets the standards of passive buildings. With such doors, you will literally be throwing your heating money out the door. We must also ensure that the doors carry out their basic function: protecting our home. A modern house requires safe and reliable entry doors that will demonstrate at first glance that no intruder stands a chance against them. A modern house shall express its contemporary design already at the entrance since the entrance is the mirror of the house’s residents. Modern doors show off your exceptional taste and prove that you choose only the best for your family and yourself.

Carpet flooring

Fortunately, carpet flooring throughout the apartment has never found its way into Slovenian residences unlike in America. However, carpet flooring was often found in living rooms and bedrooms. Such flooring might be nice to walk on and it suppresses sound at the same time, but do not forget how much effort maintenance of such a flooring takes. Carpet flooring is hard to vacuum, it is almost impossible to get the pet's hair off, let alone removing stains of any spilled liquids.

Modern houses call for hardwood flooring or at least quality laminates, which are easier to maintain and clean. Some people also like tile floors, which are more forgiving of any mishappening of our pets and spilled liquids compared to hardwood. An interesting option is also vinyl, which resembles hardwood but is warmer to the touch than any other flooring and insensitive to everything that happens in a home.

Roller shutters

Roller shutters are not a bad choice if you choose a modern design. The world of blinds has become big and worth exploring so take your time when picking a suitable product. Purchasing the right blinds will save you money. Whether you choose roller shutters, venetian blinds, roller shades or something else, keep in mind that all of them can be very smart. They can be closed and opened automatically depending on the outside temperature and the sunlight. They can also feature built-in solar panels, which convert light into electricity. Such systems can easily be included in the so-called smart home where the central unit controls all the systems depending on the input from other components. This way, the house will lower the blinds automatically if it gets too hot while the air conditioning and ventilation system will be switched on. In a modern home, technology cannot be avoided. On the other hand, why try to avoid technology if it makes our lives so much easier?


Similar to other systems usually installed in homes, heating has also made an immense progress. Heat pumps, which are usually connected to underfloor heating instead of radiators, are becoming more and more popular instead of solid fuel boilers. This has its advantages: water temperature in the system is only about 30 degrees Celsius instead of 60 degrees required by radiators, which makes radiator heating way more energy consuming. The heat in the room is distributed more evenly and there is less dust being raised. Another popular heating method is IR panels. If they are connected to the home solar power plant, it is essentially free eco heating with many positive health effects.

Dark wood panelling

Dark wood panelling was very popular in the 1960s and 1970s. If it could not be found covering the entire living room, it could at least be found on the ceiling and in the dining area. Not only does such panelling look obsolete, it also darkens the room and makes it appear smaller. Therefore, we should avoid using it in a modern house since the main aim is to create bright and airy spaces. The only exception are log houses, where wooden walls are part of the charm and the design of the entire structure. However, you should also consider keeping natural wood colours rather than paint them dark brown or black. When purchasing and renovating an older house, it may be worthwhile to leave the old solid wood on the wall and just paint it in brighter colours. However, if the panelling is of low-quality, don't hesitate to get rid of it. It is time for your rooms to shine.

If you are thinking about the furnishing in your home, plan in advance. Choose smart systems that will save you time, energy and a nice pile of money. Remember that modern design not only means a home that is more pleasing on the eye. It also serves a functional purpose. A modern home should reflect your values and the values of the 21st century.

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